During long spell of droughts, the elderly people would converge at Abindu and perform rituals by slaughtering animals in form of sacrifices. They would also pray for the gods of Abindu through Mama Abindu to have a bumper harvest or good crop yield. They would also converge here during times of war (inter-tribal) to strategize and be blessed with spiritual support. It was feared that whoever would set eye on mama Abindu would not lead any better life and would die abnormally or would get insane instantly.
Abindu is a fascinating tourist attraction site in Kisumu County and offers visitors with numerous activities to participate in:
- It has a spiritual significance as people use the rock’s caves for prayers
- Its rocky terrain offers thrill seekers a chance for adventure in hiking and camping
- One can experience the culture and heritage of the Kwamumbi people who live around the rock
- From vantage points on top of the rock one can experience some breath taking views of Kisumu City and Lake Victoria.
For More Enquiries and Bookings, Contact:
Tom Ochola Menya
Email: abongomenya@yahoo.com
Mobile: +254 721 688 682, +254 731 517 999
Kenya Community Based Tourism Network (KECOBAT)
Tel: +254 20 2319458
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